"Olage seridare Gundu hudugi aaguvalu Gandu"
I m not talking about this Gundu meaning Alcohol.
"Gundu" is my pet Dog.
Three years back on the same day, my Uncle gave me a box and said, "Open it, U have a surprise".I could see a gray colored pup.He was too scared,very lean. He was hungry too. I named him Gundu . He was just 8 days old then.I fed him with lots of milk and cerelac. Soon Gundu grew up very strongly and now he is 3 years old.
He was naughty till his first birthday. I remember the day when this naughty pup ate up few Red Chillies. Soon tears started rolling down from his eyes. It was Glucose that gave him relief.
He is loved by Everyone. Kids play with him n they love to call out his name loud. He is very strong as he exercises thrice without fail. He has a good gang of friends. Chameli, Blacky, Muniamma(Also Called Jumping Dog),Belliamma and Brown. They join him everyday for morning Walk. Morning Joggers, Children in their School Vans do not forget to wish him. Vegetable vendors passing by our house feed him tomatoes. He is very friendly and hence very popular.
I have learnt many things from him.He has taught me at times to be patient and never to talk to parents in a higher pitch. He never allows any kind of fights at home.Loves to love and be loved.
He is sincere. Understands your language,reacts to it very well.He hates being captured and i gotta click his picture when he sleeps. Though he appears to be in good sleep, he is not. He wakes up as soon as any noise reaches his ears. I thing that i dont like about him is he hates music. Music really disturbs him.
He loves all insects and animals around him. He neither kills any insect nor allows us to kill them in his presence. Eco-friendly dog right? He admires a frog. He loves to watch it jumping. He always walks with my dad and hence waits for him till he arrives from office. If he is late , he pesters me to call up my dad.
Dog is a man's best friend. They really can understand your emotions. They stand by you in all your times. Talk to them as you talk to your Best friend and they give you a feeling ," I am With you".
There are many stray dogs growing up in the streets. I feed all Gundu 's friend everyday. Adopt a Dog today.Give them a Life. Have a very Best friend in Your Life.
Gundu' s Profile
Name : Gundu
Gender : Male
Age : 3years
Fav Snack : Cake
Fav Pass time : Exercise
Fav Food : Idly, Dosa
Loves : Family n friends,Attention,Popularity
Hates : Being Alone
Languages : Kannada, Lil English